

测量工具允许你在 PCB 上的各点之间进行距离和角度测量。 要激活该工具,请点击右侧工具栏的 measurement 24 图标,或使用快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+M。 一旦该工具被激活,点击一次以设置测量起点,然后再点击一次以完成测量。

测量工具用于不需要永久显示的快速测量。 您所做的任何测量都将仅在该工具处于活动状态时显示。 要创建将显示在打印输出和打印中的永久性尺寸标注,请使用尺寸标注工具。


设计规则检查器用于验证 PCB 是否符合 “电路板设置” 对话框中建立的所有要求,以及所有焊盘是否按照网表或原理图连接。 KiCad 可以在布线时自动防止一些违反设计规则的行为,但许多其他的行为是无法自动防止的。 这意味着在为 PCB 生成制造文件之前,必须使用设计规则检查器。

要使用设计规则检查器,请点击顶部工具栏的 erc 24 图标,或从 检查 菜单中选择 设计规则检查器

drc control

DRC 控制窗口的顶部部分包含一些控制设计规则检查器的选项:

重新敷铜后再执行 DRC: 启用后,每次运行设计规则检查器时都会重新敷铜。 如果未手动重新敷铜,禁用此选项可能会导致错误的 DRC 结果。

报告每个布线的所有错误: 启用后,将报告每个布线的所有间隙错误。 禁用时,将只报告第一个错误。 启用此选项将导致设计规则检查器运行速度变慢。

测试 PCB 和原理图之间的一致性(parity): 启用后,设计规则检查器除了测试 PCB 设计规则外,还将测试原理图和 PCB 之间的差异。 在独立模式下运行 PCB 编辑器时,该选项不起作用。

运行 DRC 后,任何违规行为都会显示在 “DRC 控制” 窗口的中间部分。 违反规则、未连接的项目以及原理图和 PCB 之间的差异会显示在三个不同的标签中。 违规列表下面的控件可以用来显示或隐藏违规,这取决于其严重程度。 在运行 DRC 后,可以使用保存按钮创建一个纯文本格式的报告文件。

drc violations

每个违规行为都涉及 PCB 上的一个或多个对象。 在违规列表中,涉及的对象列在违规行为下面。 点击列表中的违规行为将移动 “PCB 编辑器” 的视图,使受影响的区域居中。 点击违规所涉及的对象之一将高亮显示该对象。

窗口底部的数字显示错误、警告和排除的数量。每种类型的违规行为都可以用各自的复选框从列表中过滤出来。点击 删除标记 将清除所有违规行为,直到再次运行 DRC。


  • 排除此违规行为: 忽略此特定的违规行为,但不影响任何其他违规行为。

  • 更改严重程度: 将一个违规类型从警告改为错误,或将错误改为警告。这影响到一个给定类型的所有违规行为。

  • 忽略所有: 忽略所有给定类型的违规。这个测试现在将出现在 忽略的测试 标签,而不是 违规 标签。



间隙和约束解析工具允许你检查哪些间隙和设计约束规则应用于选定的项目。 当设计具有复杂设计规则的 PCB 时,这些工具可以提供帮助,因为在这种情况下并不总是清楚哪些规则适用于哪些对象。

要检查两个对象之间适用的间隙规则,选择这两个对象并从 检查 菜单中选择 间隙解析。 间隙报告对话框将显示每个铜层上的对象之间所需的间隙,以及产生该间隙的设计规则。

clearance resolution

要检查适用于单一对象的设计约束,选择它并从 检查 菜单中选择 约束解析。 约束报告对话框将显示适用于该对象的所有约束。

constraints resolution

Board Statistics

The Board Statistics dialog shows a summary of the board’s contents, including the number of components, pads and vias; each by their own types as well as the overall board size.

Pcbnew board statistics


查找工具在 PCB 中搜索文本,包括位号、封装字段和图形文本。当该工具找到一个匹配的文本时,画布会被放大,并将其置于匹配文本的中心位置,同时文本被高亮显示。使用顶部工具栏中的(查找图标)按钮启动该工具。



匹配大小写: 选择搜索是否对大小写敏感。

关键词: 当选择时,搜索将只与 PCB 中的完整单词相匹配。当未选择时,如果搜索词是 PCB 中一个较长的词的一部分,搜索将匹配。

通配符: 当选择时,通配符可以在搜索词中使用。? 匹配任何单个字符,* 匹配任何数量的字符。请注意,当选择这个选项时,不会返回部分匹配结果:搜索 abc* 将匹配字符串 abcd,但搜索 abc 则不会。

Wrap: 选中时,搜索结果将在到达最后一个匹配项后返回到第一个匹配项。

搜索封装位号: 选择搜索是否应适用于封装位号。

搜索封装值: 选择搜索是否应适用于封装值字段。

搜索其他文本项目: 选择搜索是否应适用于其他文本项目,包括图形文本以及除了值和位号之外的封装字段。

搜索 DRC 标记: 选择搜索是否应适用于电路板上显示的 DRC 标记的违规描述。

Search net names: Selects whether the search should apply to the names of nets in the board.


The search panel is a docked panel that lists information about footprints, zones, nets, ratsnest lines (unrouted segments), and text from the PCB. You can optionally filter the list based on a search string. When no filter is used, all items in the design are listed in the corresponding tab.

Search panel, with a footprint selected

Items are filtered based on their properties: footprints are filtered by their reference designator and value, zones by the zone name, net and ratsnest items by the net name, and text (text, textboxes, and dimensions) by the text content. You can sort the filtered results in ascending or descending order of the value in a particular column by clicking on that column header.

Filters support wildcards: * matches any characters, and ? matches any single character. You can also use regular expressions, such as /footprint value/.

The displayed information depends on the item type. In addition to the item’s name and/or value, physical items (footprints, zones, and text) list their layer and X/Y location. Text also displays the type of text object (text, textbox, or dimension.) Net and ratsnest items list their net name and net class.

When you click an item in the search panel, the item is selected in the editing canvas. Double-clicking an item in the search panel opens its properties dialog (for net and ratsnest items, the net classes dialog is opened instead).

Show or hide the search panel with ViewShow Search Panel or use the Ctrl+G shortcut.

3D 查看器

The 3D Viewer shows a 3-dimensional view of the board and the components on the board. You can view the board from different perspectives, show or hide different types of components, cross-probe from the PCB Editor to the 3D viewer, and generate raytraced renders of the board. Show the 3D Viewer with View3D Viewer or use the Alt+3 shortcut.

3D 查看器
仅当 3D 模型文件存在并且已被 分配到封装 时,元件的 3D 模型才会出现。
KiCad 标准库中的许多封装还没有为它们创建模型文件。然而,这些封装可能包含一个指向尚不存在的 3D 模型的路径,以期待将来创建 3D 模型。

浏览 3D 视图

用鼠标左键拖动将旋转 3D 视图。 默认情况下,这是电路板的中心,但可以通过将光标移动到所需点上并按 Space 将轴心点重置为电路板上的新点。 滚动鼠标滚轮将放大或缩小视图。 按住 Ctrl 滚动可左右平移视图,按住 Shift 滚动可上下平移视图。 使用鼠标中键拖动也可以平移视图。

Different sized 3D grids can be set using the View3D Grid menu. Bounding boxes for each component can be enabled with PreferencesShow Model Bounding Boxes.

当 PCB 编辑器和 3D 查看器同时打开时,在 PCB 编辑器中选择一个封装也会在 3D 查看器中高亮显示该元件。高亮显示的颜色可以在 偏好设置偏好设置…​3D 查看器实时渲染器选择颜色 中调整。

Appearance manager

The appearance manager is a panel at the right of the viewer which provides controls to manage the visibility, color, and opacity of different types of objects and board layers in the 3D view.

Each layer or type of object in the list can be individually shown or hidden by clicking its corresponding visibility icon. PCB layers can have their colors customized; double-click on the color swatch next to the item type to edit the item’s color and opacity. To use the colors selected in the Board Setup dialog’s Physical Stackup editor, enable the use board stackup colors option.

You can save an appearance configuration as a preset, or load a configuration from a preset, using the Preset selector at the bottom. The Ctrl+Tab hotkey cycles through presets; press Tab repeatedly while holding Ctrl to cycle through multiple presets. Several built-in presets are available: "Follow PCB Editor" matches the visibility settings in the PCB editor, "Follow PCB Plot Settings" matches the visibility settings selected in the Plot dialog, and "legacy colors" matches the default 3D Viewer color settings from older versions of KiCad.

Finally, you can save a viewport for later retrieval using the Viewports selector at the bottom. You can quickly cycle between saved viewports using Shift+Tab; pressing Tab repeatedly while holding Shift will cycle through multiple viewports.

用 3D 查看器生成图像

当前的 3D 视图可以用 文件将当前视图导出为 PNG…​将当前视图导出为 JPG…​,根据所需的图像格式,将其保存为一个图像。也可以用 复制图标 按钮,或 编辑复制 3D 图像 将当前视图复制到剪贴板上。

3D 查看器有一个光线跟踪渲染模式,它使用比默认渲染模式更精确的物理渲染模型来显示电路板。 光线追踪比默认渲染模式慢,但当需要最吸引人的视觉效果时,可以使用它。使用 光线追踪图标 按钮,或者使用 偏好设置光线追踪 来启用光线追踪模式。在光线追踪模式下,3D 网格和选择高亮不会显示。

颜色和其他渲染选项,包括光线跟踪和非光线跟踪模式,都可以在 偏好设置偏好设置…​3D查看器 中调整。

3D 查看器控制


import3d 24

Reload the 3D model

copy 24

Copy 3D image to clipboard

render mode 24

Render current view using raytracing

refresh 24


zoom in 24

Zoom in

zoom out 24

Zoom out

zoom fit in page 24

Fit drawing in display area

rotate cw x 24

Rotate X clockwise

rotate ccw x 24

Rotate X counterclockwise

rotate cw y 24

Rotate Y clockwise

rotate ccw y 24

Rotate Y counterclockwise

rotate cw z 24

Rotate Z clockwise

rotate ccw z 24

Rotate Z counterclockwise

flip board 24

Flip board view

left 24

Pan board left

right 24

Pan board right

up 24

Pan board up

down 24

Pan board down


Enable/disable orthographic projection

layers manager 24

Show/hide the appearance manager


The Net Inspector allows you to view statistics about all the nets in a board. To open the inspector, click the list nets 24 icon at the top of the Nets section of the Appearance panel, or select Net Inspector from the Inspect menu.

net inspector

点击网络列表中的一个网络会在电路板上高亮显示该网络。 单击列标题允许您按该列对网络列表进行排序。

The Group By field allows you to combine different nets together and view the total length of the combined nets. For example, if you have two nets named DATA0 and DATA0_EXT, using a Group By value of DATA0* will create a group containing both nets. More complicated groupings can be created by changing the Group By mode from Wildcard to RegEx (regular expressions). The substring (Substr) variants of the Group By mode will create groups for each set of nets that matches the pattern differently.

例如,如果您有 U1D+U1D-U2D+U2D-,分组模式 U*D 将在通配符模式下匹配所有四个网络,创建一个单一的组 U*D。 在通配符子串模式下,它将匹配所有四个网络,但创建两个不同的组:U1DU2D

焊盘计数过孔计数 显示一个网络的焊盘(表面贴装和通孔)及过孔的数量。 过孔长度 显示每个过孔的总高度(不考虑过孔连接到哪个铜层)。 换句话说,过孔长度等于过孔数乘以电路板的层叠高度。 布线长度 显示一个网络中所有布线的总长度,不考虑拓扑结构。 晶圆长度 显示了网络中所有焊盘设置的 “晶圆到焊盘长度“ 值的总和。

Differences between Net Inspector and Length Tuner

The Net Inspector may report different net lengths than the length tuner, because the two tools have different purposes and calculate track/net lengths differently. In short, the Net Inspector sums up the total length of each track segment and via on a net, while the length tuner calculates the effective electrical length of a path between two points on a net. The specific differences are as follows:

  • The Net Inspector reports track length as a simple sum of the length of each track segment on a net. The length tuner calculates an effective electrical length of a net, which includes optimizing paths through pads to calculate the shortest possible path.

  • If a routed net has a branching topology, the Net Inspector total includes the length of each branch in the total. The length tuner calculates a point-to-point length; if there are any branches, the length tuner will stop at the closest branch and report the length up to the branch.

  • The Net Inspector always includes the effective via height in its via length and total length calculations. If a via connects to traces on both the top and bottom layers, the full via height is included in the length calculation. Otherwise, only the stackup height between the connected layers is included. The length tuner calculates effective via height in the same way as the Net Inspector, but via height is only included in the length calculation when the use stackup height setting is enabled board constraint settings. If the setting is disabled, the length tuner will not include vias in its calculations at all.